26 June 2007

Moving Day

I woke up this morning hearing all the Munchkins sing, "...and KAN-sas she says is the n-a-a-a-a-me of the star..."

Dorothy may have been able to say "Well, it really was no miracle: what happened was just this..."--but from my perspective here at 6:30am Central Time, it WILL be a miracle for us to get to Kansas. :-) The day began at 6am after a fitful night's sleep; as I let the dogs out for their morning constitutional before breakfast, I didn't notice that a cute little squirrel was in the backyard nibbling on the clover that grows so avidly in the middle of what's supposed to be a lawn of bluegrass. I opened the patio door; the squirrel headed for the telephone pole in the back corner; the dogs headed for the squirrel, barking ferociously; I headed for the dogs, in my nightgown and bare feet, and added to the clamor of the dawn by trying to get them to be quiet. The neighbors would probably rate it a toss-up as to who was louder--the dogs, or me shushing them.

The movers will arrive between 8 and 10am to begin packing all our stuff into boxes; we've tried to segregate What Will Go With Us In The Car from Things To Be Packed. I have no doubt that we've only been partially successful in that endeavor and will be praying for discernment as we stand among a lot of boxes on Friday in our Fairway house and hunt for Things We Need And Should Have Had With Us.

The dogs and I will be spending much of the day at Andrea's apartment, since the alternative (our dogs with strangers coming in and out of the front door at random) isn't pleasant. Tim will oversee the proceedings at our house. This will be the first of our three moves that he will be present for, having been out of town for the last two, and in the depths of my sinful heart I am aware that I amhappy--nay, even GLEEFUL--that this time HE gets to deal with the movers, in the even more sinful hope that after this experience he will be so deeply grateful for what I have had to endure twice before that he will shower me with adulation.

(You're all thinking that I can use the time at Andrea's for reflection upon my corrupt state...and you would be SO right.)

So...that's our day. Tomorrow will be similar, except the boxes will be loaded into the van along with everything else. In 36 hours it will be Tim, me, 3 dogs, an Aerobed, 3 doggie pillows, and the aforementioned What Will Go With Us In The Car camping out for one last night at 7107 Cheshire Lane, St. Louis, MO. Thursday we drive the Yellow Brick Road known as I-70 to Fairway. Please pray for safety as we go.


Beth said...

You crack me up...