22 May 2007

Greetings from the Midwest

Hey,'s me, Jennie Altstadt, from the far-away land of Missouri. I'm excited to be blogging with you! Right now in the great Central Time Zone, much is happening: Tim has taken a job at Corporate HQ for his company and we will be moving to the Kansas City Metro area in the near future. So the house is on the market, which means it has to stay clean and tidy (not 2 of my gifts). Tim is still traveling to Columbia, MO 4 days a week, which means all the talk of real estate happens over the phone during breaks in his work day or after the work day is over. We have 3 dogs (yes, 3--and yes, we know we're crazy) who are loveable and rambunctious and sometimes loud (if squirrels or rabbits are in their yard). And as soon as this house sells, we'll be off to KC to buy a home there (...and hopefully find a good kennel.) Not to mention all the other related stuff that goes with relocating to another city (and possibly another state: we may end up living in Kansas).

So what does all that have to do with a blog named CrossMarks?? All the hustle and bustle of the last few weeks has made me realize afresh how very grateful I am that my future and destiny lie securely in the hands of the One Who Made Me...and not in any human circumstance or person. Buyers for our home will come because the Lord will bring them; we will find a new home because the Lord will lead us; my sweet husband and I will be able to triumph in the midst of stress and pressure on several fronts because the Lord is sufficient. This is our moment to walk by faith, and I can rejoice in the midst of swirling activity and uncertainty because we are held firmly in God's grace and He is giving us the opportunity to grow in Christlikeness...which we trust will lead to more fruitful lives.

And isn't that what we all want? To live lives for the glory of God's name--lives that will point people in some small way to the Cross that has forever changed us.

This has been written during a lull in busyness, just as the sun is beginning to set, the breeze is beginning to die down just a bit, and it feels like the whole earth is preparing to snuggle down into night. May I be quick to remember these words in the heat of tomorrow!

As they say in Arkansas (our home before St. Louis): "'Preciate ya!"


onemorestephome said...

hey you! love ya and miss ya!