01 September 2007

No Time To Waste

I read this and was convicted. There's just no time like the present -- literally. I need to constantly remind myself, which I usually don't, that time is precious, and once lost, not re-gained. This life is the dress rehearsal for the next. Heaven is the goal. Life, eternal life, spent with Jesus. That's where I'm heading, that's where my eyes need to be.

Gone so soon without a trace!

"Redeeming the time." Ephesians 5:16

How you spend your time, is a matter of great importance. Many people fool away their time--some in idle visits, others in recreations and pleasures which secretly bewitch the heart, and take it away from holy things. What are our golden hours for--but to attend to our souls? Time misspent is not time lived--but time lost!

Time is a precious commodity. As salvation is to be worked out in it, and a conveyance of heaven depends on using it well--it is of infinite concern!

Think of your short stay in the world. "We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a shadow--gone so soon without a trace!" 1 Chronicles 29:15

There is only a span between the cradle and the grave! Solomon says there is "a time to be born and a time to die"--but mentions no time of living--as if that were so short, it was not worth naming! Time, when it has once gone, can never be recalled. "My life passes more swiftly than a runner. It flees away, filled with tragedy. It disappears like a swift boat, like an eagle that swoops down on its prey." Job 9:25-26

This Scripture compares time to a flying eagle. Yet time differs from the eagle in this: the eagle flies forward and then back again--but time has wings only to fly forward--it never returns! "Time flies away irrevocably."

The serious thoughts of our short stay here in this world, would be a great means of promoting godliness. Whoever considers how flitting and winged his life is--will hasten his repentance.

~from Thomas Watson, The Godly Man's Picture Drawn With a Scripture Pencil